Following our previous Newsflash dated, 17 January 2020. The National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers (NUPSAW) has approached the Labour Court to be reinstated as a party back in the Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council (PHSDSBC) on the 02 December 2019.

Since then, NUPSAW has referred the matter to the Labour Court, our matter has been enrolled for hearing on the unopposed Roll in the Labour Court on Thursday, 12 March 2020 at 10H00.

NUPSAW is confident that the award from Labour Court will be in our favour as we managed to get the Department of Health and the employer to confirm our so-called abnormal appointees.

Pending the suspension from the PHSDSBC, NUPSAW has been struggling to gain its re-admission back within the Bargaining Council so that it could participate in the processes and represent the views of its members. It is also important for our members to note that since the incident by no doubt NUPSAW has not given up on the rights of its members within the Dept. of Health and Dept. of Social Development.

We are so adamant to be re-admitted to PHSDSBC so that NUPSAW would be the voice of its members. We are still active in the PSCBC and the GPSSBC.

NUPSAW is expecting judgement to be delivered before the Council does their Annual Membership Vote weight determination for 2020.

We therefore urge all our members to remain calm and wait for updates from NUPSAW and not any other sell-out unions. NUPSAW will continue to fight the exploitation of workers as this battle is far from over because the struggle still continues.