Free Medical Indemnity Cover

NUPSAW also cares for Nurses.

Nupsaw does not condone any form of negligence however it is aware of the number of lawsuits against health professionals for medical negligence in South Africa, furthermore, it believes that human error is a liability to health professionals irrespective of their intentions to treat the unwell.

The Free Medical Indemnity cover, previously known as the Free Medical Malpractice Policy is introduced to aid existing members, who are health professionals (Nurses), accused of medical negligence. This is a free indemnity cover valued at R5 Million in aggregate per incident where a member is sued for negligence whilst performing his or her work in good faith. Nurses joining Nupsaw will be rest assured that they will be aided with regards to possible litigation.

The National Executive Council of NUPSAW has approved that the Union should from its resources pay the premiums to the insurance at no extra cost to the members affected from 1 April 2004, to cover the Nurses against Medical Malpractice with a reputable insurance company.