The International Nurses Day is observed on May 12 and the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, whose influence on modern nursing will always be remembered.

Our nurses have never been under more pressure here and across the country. This year we are celebrating and acknowledging these quiet heroes who are always wanted where they are needed but never more so than during a pandemic. NUPSAW salutes the commitment and dedication of nurses in carrying out their responsibilities and duties in treating patients.

We are proud of our nurses who provide professional, compassionate, and culturally responsive nursing care within a variety of health care settings including rural, remote around the country. They hold the promise of being workers of change committed to the cutting the health inconsistency within the communities they work in.

Nursing, and in fact all of healthcare is changing rapidly and COVID-19 has increased and highlighted the big needs. Do we have the ability and the kindness to care for more people? Do we have the openness to know more? We need to reflect on what is needed to continue a high standard of evidence-based care. But what is needed most is more dedicated, highly trained people we need more nurses.

As we rebuild from the crisis, we must transform the way societies are organised. We must organise our societies around the capacity to care. Every day is a new experience and we should assume that not everyone gets this chance to serve, so we should take this as an opportunity.

Governments must expand funds for nursing education and training and not rely on importing nurses from countries that are also struggling to meet their own public health needs. The best way to attract and retain nurses is to recognise the social value of their work, pay them properly and ensure adequate staffing levels.

Let’s give a grand salute and express gratitude to the brave nurses who are battling the deadly virus every day tirelessly.