The General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council

The General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) was designated in terms of the PSCBC Resolution 10 of 1999 as the bargaining council of the general public sector. The GPSSBC was registered with the Registrar of Labour Relations on July 28th, 1999, and subsequently inaugurated on September 7th, 1999.

Resolution 2 Agreement on the inclusion of an addendum to resolution 2 of 2009
Resolution 3 Amendment of GPSSBC resolution 4 of 2004
Resolution 1 Agreement on the increase of levies: GPSSBC
Resolution 4 Agreement on the increase of Levies: GPSSBC
Resolution 2 Agreement on establishing parity between conditions of service college appointed support stuff in Public FET colleges with those employed in public service
Resolution 1 Organizational rights agreement between the state as an employer in the GPPSBC and admitted trade unions.
Signed: 4 February 2013
Resolution 4 Disestablishment and establishment of National Departmental Chambers n compliance with the reconfiguration of Government.
Signed: 30 June 2010
Resolution 3 Agreement on special leave for the Department of the Premier: Provincial Chamber: Free State Province.
Signed: 28 October 2010
Resolution 2 Agreement on special leave for the Department of Correctional Services: Amendment of DBC Resolution 01 of 2002: For the chamber of the Department of Correctional Services.
Signed: 20 May 2010
Resolution 1 Agreement on the amendment of the levy fund: General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council.
Signed: 14 May 2010
Resolution 9 Agreement on the implementation of an occupation-specific dispensation for engineers.
Signed: 18 August 2009
Resolution 8 Agreement on the implementation of an occupation-specific dispensation for environmentalists and biodiversity officers.
Signed: 13 August 2009
Resolution 7 Agreement on the establishment of a task team on the identifying of other occupational classes to be considered for an occupational specific dispensation (OSD).
Signed: 12 August 2009
Resolution 6 Agreement on the implication of an occupation-specific dispensation for engineering technologists, architectural technologist GIS technologists and QS technologists.
Signed: 12 August 2009.
Resolution 5 Agreement on the implication of an occupation-specific dispensation for engineering technicians, survey technicians, architectural technicians, drafts-person, GIS technicians and scientific technicians.
Signed: 12 August 2009
Resolution 4 Agreement on the implementation of an occupation-specific dispensation for artisans.
Signed: 7 August 2009
Resolution 3 Agreement on the implementation of an occupation-specific dispensation for quantity surveyors, professional surveyors, architects, town and regional planners, GISC professionals, and scientists.
Signed: 7 August 2009
Resolution 2 Agreement on the implementation of an occupation-specific dispensation (OSD) for Correctional Services Officials.
Signed: 24 June 2009
Resolution 1 Agreement on the implementation of an Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD) for legally qualified categories of employees.
Signed: 7 February 2008.
Resolution 2 Agreement on the amendment of Domicilium Executandi. Signed: 8 November 2007
Resolution 1 Agreement on the transfer of Employees from the Department of Education to individual Further Education and Training Colleges.
Signed: 27 September 2007
Resolution 3 Administrative agreement of the GPSSBC (internal).
Resolution 2 Governance rules for chambers of the GPSSBC.
Signed: 15 April 2005
Resolution 1 Administrative agreement of the GPSSBC (internal)
Resolution 4 Adoption of rules for the conduct of proceedings before the general public service sector.
Signed: 3 November 2004: 12 August 2009
Resolution 3 Establishment of provincial and national departmental chambers of the GPSSBC.
Signed: 22 April 2004
Resolution 2 Dispute procedure for disputes emanating from PSCBC resolution 7/2002.
Signed: 10 March 2004
Resolution 1 Amendments to the full-time shop stewards agreement 3/2001 of the GPSSBC.
Signed: 13 February 2004
Resolution 3 Levy agreement.
Signed: 27 June 2003
Resolution 2
Amendment to the GPSSBCs constitution. Annexure: Constitution of the general public service sector bargaining council.
Signed: 03 June 2003
Resolution 1 Appointment of council representative.
Signed: 24 March 2003
Resolution 1 Payment of an acting allowance.
Signed: 15 March 2002
Resolution 4 Amendment to the constitution: Domicilium clause.
Signed: 3 September 2001
Resolution 3 Appointment of the full-time shop stewards in general Public Service Sector Bargaining Council.
Signed: 23 October 2001
Resolution 2 Appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators.
Signed: 19 March 2001
Resolution 1 Amendment to resolution 2 of 2000.
Signed: 21 February 2001
Resolution 8 Adoption of the code of conduct of panelists.
Signed: 7 August 2000
Resolution 6 Amendment on the GPSBC constitution.
Signed: 7 July 2000
Resolution 5 Appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators.
Signed: 7 July 2000
Resolution 4 Amendment to the Fee Policy.
Signed: 7 July 2000
Resolution 3 Amendment on dispute resolution procedures.
Signed: 7 July 2000
Resolution 2 The implementation of the dispute resolution procedures of the council.
Signed: 7 July 2000.
Resolution 1 The application for transfer and utilization of the R10-Million allocated to the General Public Service Sector.
Signed: 29 March 2000.