Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council

Aims to provide comprehensive information regarding the PSCBC as a co-ordinating bargaining council and its functions.

Resolution 1 Adjustment for Public Servants 2021/2022
Resolution 1 Amendment of PSCBC resolution 5 of 2001 Annual Leave
Resolution 1 Agreement on the 2019 Reconfiguration of Government Departments
Resolution 2 Redress of Discriminatory Pension Practices
Resolution 1 Agreement on the salary adjustments and improvements in conditions of service for the period 2018 to 2021
Signed:08 June 2018
Resolution 5 Agreement on the establishment of an advisory body for the government employees housing scheme (GEHS).
Signed:05 December 2017
Resolution 4 Agreement on the review of the government employees medical scheme (GEMS).
Signed:05 December 2017
Resolution 3 Negotiations Protocol Agreement.
Signed:27 June 2017
Resolution 2 Organisational rights.
Signed:27 June 2017
Resolution 1 Agreement on Amendments to pension benefits.
Signed:27 June 2017
Resolution 2 Amendment of PSCBC Resolution1, 3 & 5 of 2015 timeframes.
Signed:4 October 2016
Resolution 1 Amendment of PSCBC Resolution 9 of 1998
Signed:09 March 2016
Demand 2015/2016 Labour Consolidated Demands
Resolution 8 Amendment to PSCBC Resolution 2 of 2015 for Salary Adjustments and Improvements on Conditions of Service in the Public Service for the period 2015/2016 – 2017/18.
Signed:26 June 2015
Resolution 7 Framework agreement on the establishment of a Government Employees Housing Scheme.
Signed:27 May 2015
Resolution 6 Agreement on the review of post-retirement.
Signed:10 February 2015
Resolution 5 Agreement on the new danger dispensation.
Signed:20 May 2015
Resolution 4 Agreement on the review of Annexure A of PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2007: Danger Allowance.
Signed:20 May 2015
Resolution 3 Agreement on the review of the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS).
Signed:20 May 2015
Resolution 2 Amended with Resolution 8 of 2015.
Signed:20 May 2015
Resolution 1 Agreement on the review and impact of existing outsourcing and agentisation, and conducting an independent impact study on principles of decent work.
Signed:10 February 2015
Circular No 4 Implementation of the amendment to pscbc resolution 3 of 2009 and the grading of jobs/posts on salary levels 9/10 and 11/12.
Resolution 1 Agreement on the transfer and placement of staff in the reconfiguration of departments
Signed:28 July 2014
Circular No 2 Improvements in conditions of service: employees on salary levels 1 to 12 and those covered by occupation-specific dispensations (OSDS): 2012/13 financial year
Annexure to Circular No 2 Salary scales, with translation keys, for employees on salary levels 1 to 12 and covered by occupation-specific dispensations (OSDS).
Demand 2012/2013 Labour Consolidated Demands
Resolution 2 Foreign service dispensation for employees serving in the Republic of South Africa missions abroad
Signed:2 August 2012
Resolution 1 Minister Sisulu: All unions sign the 2012-2015 wage agreement
Signed:31 July 2012
Demand 1 2011/2012 Labour Consolidated Demands
Resolution 2 Wage settlement for the 2011/2012 financial year
Signed:16 August 2011
Resolution 1 Agreement on the amendment to PSCBC resolution 2 of 2010: Agency fee
Signed:12 August 2011
Demand 2010/2011 ILC Salary Demands
Resolution 6 Adoption of the declaration on Public Service summit as agreed to at Public Service summit that was held on 11-13 March 2010 at Inkosi Albert Luthuli convention center in Durban
Signed:13 December 2010
Resolution 5 Amendments to resolution 5 of 2003: Levy agreement
Signed:13 December 2010
Resolution 4 Agreement on improvement in salaries and other conditions of service for 2010/2011
Signed:19 October 2010
Resolution 3 Adoption of the declaration on the closure of Occupational Specific Dispensation & process of 2010/2011 salary negotiations as agreed to a workshop held on 15 & 16 October 2009 at Birchwood hotel in Boksburg
Signed:5 May 2010
Resolution 2 Amendment to PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2005: Agency shop agreement
Signed:23 March 2010
Resolution 1 Amendment to PSCBC resolution 5 of 2009: Timeframes for the 2010/2011 salary negotiations
Signed:25 February 2010
Demand 2009 / 2010 Labour Consolidated Salary Demands
Resolution 5 Agreement on improvement in salaries for the financial year 2009/2010
Signed:7 September 2009
Resolution 4 The appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators
Signed:17 August 2009
Resolution 3 Agreement on a revised salary structure for employees on salary levels 1-12 not covered by an Occupation Specific Dispensation
Signed:24 July 2009
Resolution 2 Adoption of the declaration on Occupational Specific Dispensations as agreed to a workshop held on 11 June 2009 at Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg
Signed:15 June 2009
Resolution 1 Extension of timeframes: OSD for negotiations at a sectoral level
Signed:19 January 2009
Resolution 10 Extension of timeframes on review of housing allowances
Signed:26 November 2008
Resolution 9 Extension of timeframes: OSD for negotiations at sectoral level and Process to develop minimum service level agreement
Signed:19 August 2008
Resolution 8 The appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators
Signed:4 August 2008
Resolution 7 Amendments to resolution 4 of 2007 (Extension of time frames)
Signed:2 July 2008
Resolution 6 Amendment to Resolution 2 of 2008 (Extension of time frames): OSD Negotiations at Sectoral level
Signed:18 June 2008
Resolution 5 Amendment to the constitution: Secretary to General Secretary
Signed:23 May 2008
Resolution 4 Amendment to resolution 1 of 2007 (Extension of timeframes): OSD negotiations at a sectoral level
Signed:23 May 2008
Resolution 3 Agreement on the implementation of an Occupation Specific Dispensation (OSD) for legally qualified categories of employees, appointed in terms of the Public Service Act, falling outside the scope of GPSSBC
Note: See GPSSBC Resolution 1 of 2008
Signed:1 April 2008
Resolution 2 Amendment to resolution 2 of 2007 (Extension of timeframes): OSD Negotiations at a sectoral level
Signed:13 March 2008
Resolution 1 Revised Foreign Service Dispensation for employees serving in the Republic of South Africa missions abroad
Signed:13 March 2008
Demand 2007 / 2008 Labour Consolidated Salary Demands
Resolution 4 Amendment to Resolution 1 of 2007 (Extension of timeframes)
Signed:14 November 2007
Resolution 3 Amendment to PSCBC Domicilium Executandi
Signed:28 August 2007
Resolution 2 Amendment to Resolution 1 of 2007
Signed:28 August 2007
Resolution 1 Agreement on improvement in salaries and other conditions of service for the financial years 2007/2008 to 2010/2011
Signed:5 July 2007
Resolution 2 The appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators
Signed: 29 June 2006
Resolution 1 Medical assistance for Public Service employees.
Signed:20 June 2006See also MPSA announcement: Public Servants on GEMS get 75% subsidy.
Resolution 7 Pension restructuring: Orphan’s pension & funeral benefit
Signed: 13 December 2005
Resolution 6 The appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators (2005/2006)
Signed: 28 June 2005
Resolution 5 Amendments to Annexure A of the PSCBC constitution: Dispute resolution procedure
Signed: 31 March 2005
Resolution 4 Rules for the conduct of proceedings before the public service co-ordinating bargaining council
Signed: 3 March 2005
Resolution 3 Amendment to part XXVIII of Resolution 3 of 1999: Long service reward
Signed: 10 February 2005
Resolution 2 Amendments to Resolution 9 of 2003: Annexure A: Establishment of provincial co-ordination chambers of the PSCBC
Signed: 10 February 2005
Resolution 1 Agency shop agreement
Signed: 10 February 2005
Demand Salary Negotiations 2004 – Labour Consolidated Demands
Demand Salary Negotiations 2004 – Labour Consolidated Demands
Resolution 2 Agreement on improvement in salaries and other conditions of service for the period 2004/05 2005/06 and 2006/07.
Signed:29 September 2004
Also see Remuneration Policy Documents, Salary Adjustments – “Improvement in Condition of Service: 1 July 2004” posted on 2 November 2004 for related Annexures
Resolution 1 The appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators (2004 / 2005)
Signed: 23 June 2004
Resolution 9
Annexure A
Annexure B
Disestablishment of departmental and provincial bargaining councils, the establishment of provincial co-ordinating chambers of the PSCBC and guidelines on the establishment of chambers of sectoral bargaining councils
Signed: 4 December 2003
Resolution 8 Foreign service dispensation for officials serving in the Republic of South Africa missions abroad
Signed: 28 November 2003
Resolution 7 Pension agreement
Signed: 18 November 2003
Resolution 6 Amendment of Part XXVIII of Annexure B of PSCBC Resolution 3/99
Signed: 30 July 2003
Resolution 5 Levy agreement
Signed: 26 June 2003
Resolution 4 Amendment to Resolution 1 of 1998 agency shop agreement
Signed: 19 June 2003
Resolution 3 Wage increase
Signed: 11 June 2003
Resolution 2 Amendment to Resolution 12 of 2002
Signed: 6 June 2003
Resolution 1 Amendments to Resolution 2 of 1999: disciplinary code and procedures for the public service
Signed: 28 February 2003
Resolution 15
Amendments to PSCBC Resolution 7 of 2000 and PSCBC Resolution 5 of 2001: Leave matters
Signed: 7 November 2002
Resolution 14
Grievance rules for the public service
Signed: 31 October 2002
Resolution 13
The appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators
Signed: 27 June 2002
Resolution 12 Pensions restructuring
Signed: 29 November 2002
Resolution 11 Constitution of the public service co-ordinating bargaining council
Signed: 9 October 2002
Resolution 10 Skills audit fund
Signed: 17 October 2002
Resolution 9
Annexure A
Foreign service dispensation for officials serving in the Republic of South Africa missions abroad. Summary of recommended changes to the foreign service dispensation.
Signed: 13 June 2002
Resolution 8 Interpretation of framework agreement: Transformation and restructuring of the public service
Signed: 13 June 2002
Resolution 7 Framework agreement: Transformation and restructuring of the public service (Utilisation of human resources)
Signed: 6 March 2002
Resolution 6 Annual wage increase and pay progression for the 2002/2003 financial year
Signed: 4 June 2002
Resolution 5 Amendment to resolution 9 of 2001: Framework of 2001: Framework on scarce skills
Signed: 30 May 2002
Resolution 4 Procedure in dealing with senior management personnel affected by a declaration or merging of institutions by a MEC in terms of the further education and training act,1998
Signed: 16 May 2002
Resolution 3 Amendment to Resolution 3 of 1999: State and other housing: Clause 5 of Part XV1
Signed: 1 March 2002
Resolution 2 Amendment to Resolution 1 of 2001 regarding timeframes of task teams in Resolution 7 of 2000
Signed: 28 February 2002
Resolution 1 Amendment to timeframes as stipulated in Resolutions 12 of 2001
Signed: 31 January 2002
Resolution 12 Amendment to PSCBC constitution: inclusion of dispute resolution procedures of the council into the constitution
Signed: 12 December 2001
Resolution 11 Amendment to timeframes as stipulated in Resolutions 9 and 10 of 2001
Signed: 23 November 2001
Resolution 10 Amendment to Resolution 9 0f 2001
Signed: 14 October 2001
Resolution 9
Agreement on improvement in conditions of service of public service employees for the period 2001/2002, 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and other matters of mutual interest. Annexure: Salary scales educators, non-educators & SAPS.
Signed: 9 October 2001
Resolution 8 Policy on HIV/Aids training framework in terms of Resolution 7/2000
Signed: 27 July 2001
Annexure A to Res. 8 Policy on HIV/ Aids for the public service co-ordinating bargaining council
Appendix A to Res. 8 Department of labour employment equity Act: Code of good practice on key aspects of HIV/AIDS and employment.
Annexure B to Res. 8 HIV/ AIDS training framework.
Appendix B to Res. 8 South African development community (SADC) code on HIV/AIDS and employment.
Resolution 7
Adoption of the public service job summit framework agreement signed in Pietersburg. Annexure: The public service job summit framework agreement: 29-31 January 2001.
Signed: 27 July 2001
Resolution 6 Amendment to Resolution 7 of 2000 and Resolution 1 of 2001: Timeframes of task teams.
Signed: 27 July 2001
Resolution 5
Amendment to Resolution 7 of 2000 (Improvement in the conditions of service of public service employees for 2000/2001 financial year. Annexure: Annual leave schedule
Signed: 27 July 2001
Resolution 4
The appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators (2001/2002).  PSCBC panel of conciliators and arbitrators.
Signed: 28 June 2001
Resolution 3 Dispute resolution procedures of the council.
Signed: 4 June 2001
Resolution 2 Amendment to the constitution: DOMICILIUM CLAUSE.
Signed: 20 April 2001
Resolution A Appeal proceedings: PSA/ Western Cape bargaining council vs PSCBC: Case nr J5108/00.
Signed: 12 March 2001
Resolution 1 Amendment to Resolution 7 of 2000: Timeframes of task teams.
Signed: 12 January 2001
Resolution 12
Annexure B
Framework for the management of personnel in the Process of incorporation of teacher education into higher education. Annexure B: Mutually agreed to severance package to be implemented in the education sector.
Signed: 13 December 2000
Resolution 11
Annexure 1
Agreement on medical assistance to employees who are stationed abroad or who are on official visits abroad.
Signed: 24 November 2000
Resolution 10 Amendment to Resolution 3 of 1999: Payment of leave gratuities.
Signed: 24 November 2000
Resolution 9 Senior management service
Signed: 24 November 2000
Resolution 8 Amendment to Resolution 3 of 2000
Signed: 4 October 2000
Resolution 7
Annexure A
Annexure B
Improvement in the conditions of service of public service employee for 2000/2001 financial year. Annexure A: Annual leave schedule. Annexure B:Salary scale 2000/2001.
Signed: 28 September 2000
Resolution 6
Annexure A
The appointment of a panel of conciliators and arbitrators
Signed: 30 June 2000
Resolution 5 The implementation of the dispute resolution procedures of the council
Signed: 18 April 2000
Resolution 4 Amendment to Resolution 2 of 1999
Signed: 18 April 2000
Resolution 3 Undesignated of bargaining councils in provincial administrations and national departments
Signed: 18 April 2000
Resolution 2 Allocation of funds to sectoral bargaining councils and related matters
Signed: 25 February 2000
Resolution 1 Agreement on a day’s pay contribution to the job creation trust
Signed: 25 February 2000
Resolution 12 Adoption of incapacity code and procedures in respect of ill health
Signed: 2 December 1999
Resolution 11 Amendments to Resolution 3 of 1998: Dispute resolution procedures of council
Signed: 2 December 1999
Resolution 10 Adoption of incapacity code and procedures
Signed: 25 June 1999
Resolution 9 Formation of sectoral bargaining forums for health and welfare and general public service
Signed: 25 June 1999
Resolution 8 Transitional measures for disciplinary code and procedures
Signed: 25 June 1999
Resolution 7 Amendments to the constitution: Clause 18.11 – Submission of auditor’s report to the registrar
Signed: 25 June 1999
Resolution 6 Upgrades for prosecutors
Signed: 31 March 1999
Resolution 5 Reduction in employer contribution to the GEPF
Signed: 17 February 1999
Resolution 4 Increase in pensionable service for selected DWAF employees
Signed: 10 February 1999
Directive Directive on Collective Agreement XIX (This Directive has to be read with the said collective agreement and the financial manual.)
Resolution 3 Remunerative allowances and benefits
Signed: 4 February 1999
Resolution 2 Disciplinary code and procedures
Signed: 29 January 1999
Resolution 1 Amendment to the PSCBC constitution: DOMCILIUM clause
Signed: 28 January 1999
Resolution 13 Senior management: (Performance agreements)
Signed: 15 December 1998
Resolution 12 The scope of the safety and security sectoral bargaining council
Resolution 11 The collective agreement for the election of full-time shop stewards in the public service
Signed: 6 October 1998
Resolution 10 General administrative sector bargaining council.
Signed: 6 October 1998
Resolution 9 Health and welfare sector bargaining council
Signed: 6 October 1998
Resolution 8 Collective agreement: Trade union negotiators and trade union officials for the PSCBC
Signed: 22 September 1998
Resolution 7 Improvement plan for 1998/99
Signed: 2 September 1998
Resolution 6 Separation of the dual – designated post classes of chief specialist/professor, chief clinical psychologist/professor, chief stomatologist/professor, chief family practitioner/professor and chief clinical pharmacologist/professor in the personnel class management echelon.
Signed: 6 July 1998
Resolution 5 Amendments to the constitution: Representatives to the executive committee
Signed: 26 July 1998
Resolution 4 Interim measures on paid leave for negotiators
Signed: 26 May 1998
Resolution 3 Dispute resolution procedures of the council.
Signed: 26 May 1998
Resolution 2 Levy agreement
Signed: 26 May 1998
Resolution 1 Agency shop agreement
Signed: 26 May 1998