Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council

The PHSDSBC can be traced back to the Labour Relations Act which states the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council may, in terms of its constitution and by resolution designate a sector of the public service for the establishment of a bargaining council.

Resolution 1 Extension of Resolution 2 of 2020 (Agreement on the Standardisation of Remuneration for CHWs)
Resolution 2 Amendments to an Agreement on Payment of Annual Statutory Registration Fees in Respect of Health and Social Development Professionals
Resolution 1 Framework Agreement on uniform provision for nurses 
Resolution 4 Amendments to Resolution No 1 of 2019-Agreement on Organizational Rights within the Public Health and Social Development Sector
Resolution 3 Amendments to an Agreement on Payment of Annual Statutory Registration Fees in Respect of Health and Social Development Professionals
Resolution 2 Amendment to resolution 1 of 2018 – agreement on the standardisation of remuneration for community health workers in the Department of Health 
Resolution 1 Agreement on organisational rights within the Public Health and Social Development Sector 
Summary Summaries of draft resolutions that are currently before the PHSDSBC January 2019
Resolution 3 Agreement on the transfer of employees from the NDoH to the SAHPRA
Resolution 2 Agreement on payment of annual statutory registration fees in respect of Health Care Occupations
Resolution 1 Agreement on the standardization of remuneration for CHWs in the Department of Health
Resolution 4 Agreement on the payment of a special allowance and danger allowance
Resolution 3 Amendment of the PHSDSBC Consitution- admission of trade unions to the council
Resolution 2 Framework agreement on payment of a rural allowance
Resolution 1 Memorandum of agreement between NDoH and OHSC
Resolution 1 Agreement on the transfer and placement of the inspection and compliance function in the NDoH
Demand 1 2015 / 2016 Labour Consolidated Demands
Resolution 5 Co-ordination of caucuses
Resolution 4 Agreement on the operation of Caucuses
Resolution 3 Agreement on the establishment of PHSDSBC’s Committees
Resolution 2 Amendments to the rules for the conduct of the proceedings before the PHSDSBC
Resolution 1 Agreement on the agreement on the amendments of the constitution of the PHSDSBC
Resolution 3 Increase of levies in the sectoral bargaining council
Resolution 2 Transport of port health services from provincial to national department
Resolution 1
Annexure A
Recognition of approved qualifications. Annexure A:Qualification list – PHSDSBC.
Resolution 1 Danger allowance for identified EMS categories
Resolution 2 OSD for engineers, technologists, technicians, artisans, and scientists in the health sector
Resolution 1 Purchase of office
Resolution 3 Appointment of full-time shop stewards and office bearers
Resolution 2 Amendment of Constitution – Admission of trade unions to PHSDSBC2-2011
Resolution 1 Repeal PHWSBC Resolution 1 of 2004 – non-pensionable scarce skills allowance
We are unable to upload the resolutions of 2010. Contact NUPSAW at Tel. +27123421674
Resolution 3 Qualifying occupations for OSD
Resolution 2 Implementation of OSD for social services professions and occupations
Resolution 1 File too large for uploading. Please call the national office for any inquiries.
Arbitration Award OSD for nurses
Resolution 7 Co-ordination of caucuses
Resolution 6 Amendments of Resolution 4 of 2008 -Amendments of the constitution of the PHSDSBC
Resolution 4 Amendment of Resolution 1 of 2007 – Constitution of PHSDSBC
Resolution 3 Amendment to Resolution 1 of 2005 – Uniform Allowance
Resolution 2 Amendment to Resolution 1 of 2003 – Appointment of full-time shop stewards
Resolution 1 Amendment to the fee structure of pre-dismissal arbitration
Resolution 3 part 5 A phase of translation – Salary recalculation based on relevant experience
Resolution 3 part 4 Translation tables – Primary health care stream
Resolution 3 part 3 Translation tables phase 1 – Nurses: professional, staff and auxiliary
Resolution 3 part 2 Career streams, salary scales, appointment requirement, recognition, experience, progression
Resolution 3 part 1 Implementation of OSD for nurses
Resolution 3 Implementation of OSD for nurses
Resolution 2 Operation of PHSDSBC Chambers
Resolution 1 Amendments Constitution of PHWSBC
Resolution 3 Rules for conduct for proceedings before PHSDSBC
Resolution 2 Amendments to Constitution of PHWSBC
Resolution 1 Transfer employees from Social Development to SASSA1 – 2006
Resolution 3 Dispute procedure – cases emanating from Res 7 of 2002 of PSCBC
Resolution 2 Administering disciplinary hearings
Resolution 1 Uniform allowance
Resolution 3 Dispute procedure on cases
Resolution 2 Revised non-pensionable recruitment allowance / rural allowance
Resolution 1 Recruitment and retention allowances – scarce skills
Resolution 2 Levy agreement
Resolution 1 Appointment of full-time shop stewards 1-2003
Resolution 3 Appointment Conciliators and Arbitrators 3-2002
Resolution 2 Amendments to Res 3 of 2000 – Dispute resolution procedures
Resolution 1 Acting allowances
Resolution 3 Needle Stick injuries
Resolution 2 Amendment to constitution Establishment of Bargaining Council Committees
Resolution 1 Establishment of Public Health and Welfare Sector Bargaining Council Comm.
Resolution 6 Amendment Clauses 6.2 and 8.2 of Constitution of PHWSBC
Resolution 5 Amendment Schedule 2 – Dispute procedure for PHWSBC
Resolution 4 Appointment panel conciliators and arbitrators
Resolution 3 Implementation Dispute Resolution Procedures
Resolution 2 Allocation of funds
Resolution 1 Application for transfer and utilization of R10 million to PHWS